A Warrior Story

My story or at least a part of it…

“We are all fighters, we can overcome anything with the tools that we already have: our mind, soul and connection to this amazing universe!”


A warrior story: my story

 July 2005: I was 26 years old.
 After an extremely emotional and stressful year, we finally got married in Buenos Aires, I moved with my husband to Isla Margarita, an authentic Caribbean Paradise when suddenly my life stopped, I was getting sicker and sicker, from feeling drained all day, to having severe PMS pains to living suddenly in a post menopause body at the age of 28.In 2 years, everything changed, my life became a nightmare and my doctor told me I could never have kids. ME!!!!
 January 2sd, 2023: I am 44 years old
 I am today the mother of two amazing young men of Luka 13 and 11, conceived naturally followed by an easy pregnancy, easy birth, and raised with not much trouble cruising through every stage of their growth. My name is Diala and it was brought to my attention many times that I have a warrior journey and I should be sharing my story, so here it is. 

 January 2007, 16 years ago
 Because of how bad I was feeling, we left Margarita for Buenos Aires, Argentina, where the medical attention is prime; for 6 months I was undergoing all kinds of tests in the best Clinic in town, from regular blood work to MRI at 4 am in the morning. I remember myself in that scan, 45 mn of no movement allowed, tears dripping on both sides of my face, they were looking at the tumor that was detected on my hypophysis (the infamous Pituitary Gland).
 Upon arrival, I was on my personal quest, supported by my man, I created a very strict daily routine, I walked for hours, when I didn’t walk or was in spiritual classes, I was researching, eating conscious nutritional food, sleeping and just being relaxed and content. I made sure I was in a peaceful environment, I did nothing or went nowhere that made me feel bad, we were living in a cute loft in the centre, and we made it our cosmopolitan spiritual retreat.
 During those 6 months, I did not sit still, I walked the city, 12 to 14 km per day, I walked everywhere, all day. I had long days doing different kinds of Yoga and meditation, taking Ayurveda classes, learning Thai yoga Massage and a few other discipline that I needed for my personal healing at that time . I needed to learn everything about my body and my mind. I knew that what happened to me was not due to my physical state at the time, as I was in top shape and health, but more due to my internal suffering, my surroundings and how I was dealing with the problems I had with some people omnipresent in my life. The rest of the time I was reading, cooking and spending time with my husband. I was at peace. 

 Meanwhile, the clinic was doing the work, they took my blood regularly, monitoring my hormones, insulin, blood sugar, cholesterol… you name it.

 After 3 months of this new journey, my doctor was still asking for more tests, the reason why my body had shut down physically was still a mystery. He had one question: 
 what did I add or remove in my lifestyle as my hormones where getting closer to normal, although still in not perfect while he had prescribed no meds yet?!
 When he realised I was self-healing, he asked me to keep doing my thing and sent for an MRI, he needed to check the Hypophysis also known as the Pituitary gland, the gland at the base of the brain responsible for sending the command to all of the other gland of the body to function, and literally commanding the whole function of our body. 

Behind it all:
 You see, when I arrived on that Caribbean Island, I was 26 years old with 57 kg, slim and fit, centred and at peace. My first two months on the Island, I had an invitee living with us. That woman had a serious negative energy, envy, jealousy and just plain heavy to be around, I was also coming out of years of living and dealing with another person that had similar energy, who also was playing dark games with me and people I loved around me. 
 Once the invitee left, I was getting sicker and sicker every day. After 2 years I put on 10 kilos and had the body of a woman in menopause. 
 At my arrival to Buenos Aires, I was 29 and the family was shocked to see me in that shape. 
 The negative transformation I endured was so obvious, imagine how amazing was my positive transformation that followed after 6 month with my new acquired lifestyle. My body melted down, I regain my sharp mind, my stamina, my smile and my will to fight to live. My face was light again and I dropped to a 59 kg with formed muscles and a healthy body, mind and a very active spiritual approach to life. I was alive again. Again a mystery to my doctor!
 Remember, the clinic was only doing tests and trying to find out what is happening in my body, I was still with no medication or any sort of chemicals in my body. It was all credited to the change of lifestyle and mindset and the best of all, not entertaining negative people in my life. 
 The blood test was showing month after month a drop in horrific levels of the Thyroid levels, in my blood sugar, my cholesterol and triglyceride. My doctor was astonished even more when he heard what I was doing; his conclusion was keep your life style, go for the MRI, I need to look into that tumour.
 And so there I was at 4 am in the morning, stuck in that scanner, to me, it was like a coffin. I was so frightened, my husband outside waiting… tears falling, I meditated. 
 Waiting for the diagnostic, we were devastated. I mean, I am driving my body with my intuition, and I feel great, better and better every day, what is this tumour about?! And most importantly, why?! You see, I am and I have always been spiritual for as long as I could remember, I just knew things before they happened, I felt them, sometimes even saw them. I did not have a name for myself when I was a kid, now, I guess I can be called a psychic. What I knew and know now, my Pituitary Gland had been closed up. For now I will not go too deep into my belief system so I do not scare you off, right? 
 After 2 years and 6 months, the result came: I had a benign growth on my hypophysis and that was disrupting all of the glands: thus no babies after 3 years of trying to build a family and countless pregnancy tests…

 The Win:
 “Please keep doing what you are doing, and take this pill for the next 12 months, said Dr Jorge, during that time it is forbidden to get pregnant, after that you do another MRI, if it is clean, you stop the chemical, wait a few months and try for a baby” 
 So I did, and by the 12th months the tumour had disappeared and I was woman again, I had to wait 4 months without trying for a baby. March 2009 I got pregnant, the same month I was allowed to try for a baby. Today, I am 44 years old, with two amazing sons of 11 and 13 years. I never went back to living in that darkness. My first born is Luka, which means luz, Spanish for light, and the light had never stopped shining into my life since he was born. Whenever it felt like it was taking me back down, I retreated, hibernated, healed and came back stronger and stronger every time, and the strength I had it tripled, as since I had my boys, I was never alone to face the darkness and they supported me through it all.
 My story had just began that winter in Buenos Aires, from getting my Professoriate in various disciplines of Yoga, from Power to Raja Yoga, my journey continued with deepening my studies in Ayurveda, holistic and ayurvedic massage, cooking, meditation, Theta Healing, psychology, private trainer, The silva Method and ending this month with a Mindvalley Holobody certification. My eyes are set on hypnotherapy, so the journey of growth never really ends. 
 It is an amazing journey of 18 years where I took my 2 boys along, teaching them everything I was learning, my second born, at 5 years old, started giving yoga classes with me on some occasions and guiding in relaxation and meditation. He aspires to do what I do, heal and help, while my eldest is an innate coach, and captain of his football team, he has my fighter strength and my dedication, and both have the beautiful generous heart of their father.

Why the share?

If I am telling my story for the first time, it is because my “people” with loving encouragement urged me to share it, what I have always considered to be private, they claim that it will at least inspire if not help others to read it.

 I hope it does and remember, we are all fighters, we can overcome anything with the tools that we already have: our mind, soul and connection to this amazing universe! 

 Gratitude and Blessings


photo: me in the middle with my special boys: Sasha on the left and Luka on the right
 Haarlem, The Netherlands 
 January 2, 2023